Painting Gallery

Oil painting

I found out that oil painting can complement the feeling that comes from painting tiles very well. When painting tiles or porcelain, it is necessary to control the amount of oil to be small and the amount of paint to be thin. The nature of this type of painting is not suitable for thick paintings because the paint may crack after firing. In contrast, the alla prima I like to do for my oil painting is thick, showing a clear brush stroke. There are many times I ask myself whether I should choose to do one type of work so that I can focus on practicing my skills. But my feeling is telling "no, please continue to do both at the same time. It is challenging to balance both simultaneously.

China painting

I had a great opportunity to get to know famous China-paining artists of Thailand and become their students. Three of them I greatly appreciated and must mention here are Angsana Klempin, Phatree Chuchinda, and Suppawan Duangsuwan. In addition, trying to learn by myself from reading books written by many Western artists, such as Paula Collins and Wanda Clapham made my china painting even more fun. If you want to collect my china painting artwork, please contact me.

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